Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cost, volume, and profit formulas Essay

The cost-volume-profit analysis is a business tool which companies utilize in order to analyze the effects of changes on costs and volume in its profits. It has five major components namely, volume or level of activity, unit selling prices, variable cost per unit, total fixed cost, and sales mix. The volume of level of activity refers to the quantity of the product which is sold. Unit selling prices is the amount that the company sells one unit of its product to the customers. In CVP analysis, costs are classified as a either variable or fixed. Variable cost per unit refers to the costs which can be directly attributed to the production of the product like direct labor and materials. Fixed costs on the other hand, are costs which are incurred even if the company increase or lessen its level of activity. Sales mix is applicable to business organizations which has two or more products. It refers to the breakdown of sales according to product types. 3&4. Based on the formulas you have reviewed, what happens to contribution margin per unit when unit selling prices increase? Illustrate your explanation with an example from a fictitious company of how an increase in unit selling prices might affect contribution margin. Holding everything constant, an increase in the unit prices will directly increase the contribution margin per unit by the amount of price increase. For example, company A sells a burger for $2. 00 incurring $1. 50 for the production. Contribution margin is then $0. 50 ($2. 00-$1. 50). If unit price is raised from $2. 00 to $2. 50, the company’s contribution margin per unit will increase by $0. 50 which is equal to the amount of price increase ($2. 50-$1. 50). The contribution margin due to this price increase will be equal to $1. 00. 5. When fixed costs decrease, what does this do for sales? Illustrate your explanation with an example from a fictitious company. A decrease in fixed cost will have a direct impact in the required sales of the company in order to reach break-even or generate a target profit. In general, a decrease in fixed cost lowers the required sales as part of the previous fixed cost will now be counted as profit. Take for example, Starjuice which sells orange juice for $1. 00 per bottle/unit, has variable cost of $0. 70 per unit, and fixed expenses of $10,000. Starjuice wants to generate a profit of $5,000. Thus, it needs to sell ($10,000+$5,000)/($1. 00-$0. 70), 50,000 bottles of orange juice or $50,000 in total sales to reach this target. However, when fixed cost has decreased to $4,000, then the company only needs to sell ($4,000+$5,000)/($1. 00-$0. 70), 30,000 bottles or $30,000 in total sales. 6&7. Define contribution ratios. What happens to contribution ratios as one of the components changes? The contribution margin ratio refers to the ratio of the contribution margin to the unit selling price. For the Starjuice example above, the contribution margin ratio is 0. 30 or 30% as the contribution margin of $0. 30 is 30% of the total selling price of $1. 00. The changes in the contribution margin are often facilitated by the changes in unit selling price and variable costs. An increase in the unit selling price which is discussed above to enhance contribution margin will subsequently bring a rise in contribution ratio. On the other hand, a decrease in selling price will also bring a decline in contribution ratio. Increase in variable cost will directly lessen contribution margin thereby lowering contribution ratio. However, a decrease in variable cost will increase contribution margin and increasing contribution ratio.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Economic Integration in Latin America: a Reality or a Mith?

Economic Integration in LATAM: A Reality or a Myth Oscar R. Martinez Latin American International Relations 19 March 2013 Integration for Latin American (LATAM) states has been an overarching approach when discussing foreign relations in the western hemisphere. Much of the literature proposed in this class proposes the intentions of LATAM states to integrate at different levels. However, this paper will demonstrate that regional economic integration is formally happening. Yet, it remains weak and inconclusive.Internal bureaucracy and the lack of commitment to these integration efforts overshadow the intentions for economic integration. This paper will examine the different strategic options for economic integration in LATAM, the reason why LATAM states seek for economic integration and most importantly the factors impeding and weakening regional integration in the western hemisphere. This analysis is based on the historical evidence of LATAM states’ behavior and trading trends . To grasp the ongoing economic liberalization policies in LATAM, we must first understand viable strategic options of economic integration for LATAM states.After the Cold War, Latin America faced a prospect of marginalization. The distinctive economic disadvantages to compete in the world economics presented different strategic integration options that could provide the foundation for long-term development and growth. Peter H. Smith proposed four different economic integration options for Latin America at the beginning of the new millennium: unilateral liberalization, joining with the North, extra-hemispheric partnership, and regional integration.These strategic models accentuated the different available options LATAM states could consider in order to the meet political and economic agendas. The first strategic option available is the unilateral liberalization of economic programs to strengthen commercial and financial ties with major power centers. This option allows countries to center on export-led development were internal policies focuses on the diversification of products and partners and continually seek foreign investments from multiple sources. Chile is an example of using this lucrative option.Before Pinochet, Chile exercised protectionist trade policies that suffocated its trading opportunities throughout the globe. Pinochet’s economic reforms resembled this option advocating free trade and allowing Chile to develop commercial ties with Europe, Japan, and the United States without allowing dependence to any single trade partner. Chile has the most signed free trade agreements in South America. The second strategic option is joining economic grounds with the United States. This alternative seems beneficial for LATAM countries because it also integrates them with the world economy.LATAM states understand the current economic position of the United States and its interdependence in the global economy; this assertion could incentivize other coun tries to meet their economic ambitions at a global scale. Countries view this option as an opportunity to integrate with the strongest world’s economy, which will enable them to gain prestige and trading opportunities in the global market. Mexico has followed this option, mostly because of its geographic proximity to the United States, benefitting from the free access to the U.S. market—with NAFTA— and tormenting from its sole dependence. In 2011, nearly 80% of Mexico’s exports were tied to the United States. This can be referred as â€Å"putting most of your eggs in one basket. † Nevertheless, the Mexican economy has significantly grown since NAFTA. The third strategic options is seeking extra-hemispheric partnership. LATAM leaders have the option to develop economic ties with extra-hemispheric trading blocs such as the European Union and the Asian-Pacific Region.LATAM countries to offset the hegemonic position of the United States often use this option. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Peru, and Venezuela have made remarkable efforts in exercising this option in the past decade. Some countries and/or regional trading blocs see this as a feasible option due to the competition and intense bureaucratic limitations within their own region or subregion. Consequently, this option allows LATAM states to diversify their trading partnership. The fourth and final strategic option is the main focus for this paper.The regional/subregional economic integration option affirms self-reliance. This alternative provides a realistic approach in changing economic configurations of international power. Therefore, we must further examine this option and explain why LATAM insist on integrating their economies. Regional economic integration agreements depend on the motivation, form, coverage and content. It is often that the major actors set the agenda not only with the view of constructing and retaining power at that regional level but also to est ablish global precedents.According to Smith, â€Å"given the diversity of interests and economic structures, Latin American leaders have focused not only on continental unification but on subregional integration—projects for economic cooperation among groups of Latin American countries, rather than for the continent as a whole. † The level of interest in regional integration depends on what cost/benefit (political and economical) analysis in the countries involved. We can argue that Latin America is not homogeneous block, therefore, the different intentions and needs from each country drive regional economic integration at different scales.Nevertheless, LATAM countries insist in integrating their economies for more relevant factors. First, they wanted to keep their market open for trade (market liberalization). After the Cold War, developing countries in the region needed to increase their trade opportunities in order to level the economic blow caused by developed nati ons. Open markets increase economic development among partner countries and enhance interaction and cooperation between states and markets. Economic Integration is also a way to overcome the limitation of small domestic markets.Second, countries want to compete with other regional integration options. Countries that feel limited to an outside regional trading bloc will try to form its own to level the plain field. The Andean Pact (1989) was the first economic integration effort in the western hemisphere. Others followed immediately after this economic block was established: Central American Common Market (CACM—1990), Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR—1991), and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA—1993). LATAM countries were pressured to compete as a bloc instead as single element.Third, common norms and ideals spreading to the region encouraged economic integration between these countries. Former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez led a common anti-US mo vement to contest different political and economic views. The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) formed by President Chavez intended a regional cooperation of many LATAM countries based on the idea of the social, political and economic integration. The Bolivarianism movement is an effort to balance against the Washington consensus and liberal markets sponsored by the US.These type economic integrations have more of a completion of economic, social and political ideals. Diana Tussie articulates, â€Å"Regionalism in Latin America is not just a single tidy entity but has given way to many coexisting and competing projects with fuzzy boundaries. † Regional integration provides a variety of incentives for LATAM countries, however, not everything is as easy as it seems. LATAM effort for regional integration started in 1960 with the Latin American Free trade association (LAFTA), however, this and other regional integration projects failed due to the internal and externa l factor that limited or impeded its success.Numerous internal and external factors impeding effective economic integration continue to weaken these regional efforts. Internal factors such as commodities-based economies and domestic policies influence the commitment and participation to these integration projects. External factors such other attractive international options also weakens the regional economic integration. Regional integration is constantly threatened by these factors and it is more evident in Latin America. Despite of the formal integration, the effectiveness of these regional institutions is directly affected by domestic elements.The first internal factor affecting this regional integration endeavors is the number of commodities-based economies. The commodities for countries are not complimentary with each other. Competition for the open trade in the global market becomes fiercely competitive. Countries will ignore treaties to gain competitive advantage. The â€Å" commodity lottery† or the random allocation of natural resources endowments seems to be an influential factor when deciding trading partners. For example, Brazil and Argentina are both members of MERCOSUR, but both are competing for the right to export their agricultural and energy products outside the region.Tussie reveals this issue by stating that â€Å"regional institutions remain feeble, honoured more in spirit than in letter, and intra-regional relations are frayed with competing development projects. † The second internal factor is domestic policies. This factor impeding the effective economic integration is broken in two different elements: changes in regime and bureaucratic domestic pressures. The constant changes of political regimes affect the stability of a regional institution. Establishments of new political reforms will directly affect economic ambitions set in treaties by previous regimes.An example of General Pinochet economic reform in Chile has isolat ed its regional neighbors. The drastic withdrawal of Chile from the Andean Pact and the sway of neo-liberalism generated major economic crises, antagonism to region-wide industrial planning, and a backlog of non-compliance decisions in the region. Hugo Chavez in Venezuela has also stirred the pot on the new endeavors for MERCOSUR, making this trading bloc more of a political instrument rather than an economic integration system. Other domestic pressures come from the legislative institutions blocking and making these trading initiatives almost impossible to achieve.The bureaucratic process to ratify new or change current treaties—in particular Free Trade Agreements—seems to discourage any further economic integrations. Countries such as Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica would rather sign unilateral treaties than entering into a regional bloc. The final factor affecting the economic integration in Latin America is the recognition of a more attractive option outside their regi on to integrate their economies. Research shows that less than 28 percent of the overall trade in in Latin America is intra-regional.This means that economic institutions in Latin America do not take advantage or effectively use their regional partners for trade. For most of the LATAM countries, their top five trading partners include the United States, China, and the European Union. Again, the â€Å"commodity lottery† plays a huge role in the influence of why these countries prefer other international states for economic integration. The United States is the most important trading partner for most of the LATAM countries. The economies of many of these LATAM countries depend on the import and export with the United States.Their economic dependence influences some regional decisions. Nevertheless, these economic decisions could be used to balance against the United State, even though; this could also hurt their own economy. For example, Venezuela’s largest trading partn er is the United States. Yet, Venezuela’s domestic and regional economic policies continue to challenge those economic practices it depends the most on. Another huge external factor is the emergence of China and its economic influence in Latin America. LATAM countries see China as a potential alternative from the northern hegemony.Also, China’s manufacturing industry is highly competitive from those in Latin America. Many countries would prefer cheaper Chinese manufactured good than a more expensive one from their regional partners. China indeed affected the regional integration in Latin America. As expressed by Tussie, referring to regional economic institutions, â€Å"it has as an ‘epic’ status as a preferred tool for promoting social rather than mere market goals. † Historically, regional integration has always been part of the LATAM culture. Whether for political or economic gains, the effort to form these institutions is relevant and somehow to o optimistic.This paper displays different economic options LATAM states have in regards to economic integration. It also defines regional or subregional integration and lists some of the reasons why LATAM states insist in regional integration. Finally, the evidence and examples shown of the internal and external factors that impede and/or weaken regional integration support the following conclusion. A pragmatic approach in the economic and trading decisions seem to dominate the foreign policies of most LATAM countries, affecting the strength, legitimacy, and relevance of these formal regional institutions. ——————————————- [ 1 ]. Peter H. Smith, â€Å"Strategic Options for Latin America,† Latin America in the New World System, in Latin America in the New International System, ed. Joseph Tulchin and Ralph Espach (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 2001), 38. [ 2 ]. Ibid. , 35-36. [ 3 ]. Ibid. ,39. [ 4 ]. Ibid. , 39-41. [ 5 ]. â€Å"US Relations with Mexico,† Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, US Department of State, accessed on March 15, 2013, http://www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35749. htm. [ 6 ]. Smith, â€Å"Strategic Options Latin America,† 46-53. [ 7 ].Diana Tussie, â€Å"Latin America: Contrasting Motivations for Regional Projects,† Review of International Studies 35, S1 (2009), 169-188, doi:10. 1017/S026021050900847X. [ 8 ]. Smith, â€Å"Strategic Options Latin America,† 46. [ 9 ]. Tussie, â€Å"Contrasting Motivations Regional,† 170. [ 10 ]. Ibid. [ 11 ]. Francisco E. Gonzalez, â€Å"Latin America in the Economic Equation—Winners and Losers: What can losers do? † in China’s Expansion into the Western Hemisphere: Implications for Latin American and the United States, ed. Riordan Roett and Guadalupe Paz (Washington, D. C. :Brookings Institution Press, 2008), 151. [ 12 ].Tussie, â€Å"Contrasting Motivations Regional,† 170. [ 13 ]. Ibid. , 174. [ 14 ]. â€Å"International Trade and Market Access Data,† World Trade Organization website, accessed on March 3, 2013, http://webservices. wto. org/resources/profiles/MT/TO/2011/WLD_e. pdf. [ 15 ]. â€Å"International Trade and Market Access Data,† World Trade Organization website, accessed on March 3, 2013, http://www. wto. org/english/res_e/statis_e/statis_bis_e. htm? solution=WTO&path=/Dashboards/MAPS&file= Map. wcdf&bookmarkState={%22impl%22:%22client%22,%22params%22:{%22langParam%22:%22en%22}}. [ 16 ]. Tussie, â€Å"Contrasting Motivations Regional,† 176.

Monday, July 29, 2019

12 Angry Men and the Psychology of the Jury Room Essay

12 Angry Men and the Psychology of the Jury Room - Essay Example The 1957 film 12 Angry Men perfectly captures the tension of the jury room, where life-and-death decisions come down to not only careful deliberation, but inner prejudices, self-concerned personal priorities, and invective. Ultimately, the human ego plays just as important a role in the film’s outcome as the examination of evidence and witnesses in that cloistered room. The protagonist of the film, Juror #8, is â€Å"the only skeptical (and rational) man in the jury room† who â€Å"shines incorruptible† throughout the entirety of the movie (Verrone 96). Juror #8 is the lone standout at the beginning of the jury deliberations, which angers many of the other jurors who feel it is an open-and-shut case. But Juror #8 explains his hesitation: â€Å"It’s not easy to raise my hand and send a boy off to die without talking about it first† (12 Angry Men). Juror #8 represents caution and consideration in the jury room. The character does not demonstrate some of the same logical flaws as his fellow deliberators: he is depicted as lacking the prejudices, biases, and egotistical self-absorption that prevent the other jurors, at least initially, from considering all of the facts in the case. In an effort to open the other jurors’ minds to the possibility of the boy’s innocence, Juror #8 takes on an almost aggressive role in trying to sway several of the jurors, particularly Juror #3, â€Å"whom he goads and satirizes on occasion to try to show him his own potential for violence that subconsciously prejudices him against the youthful defendant† (Cunningham 115). Juror #3 plays the role of the main antagonist and seems to relish the idea of sending the boy to his death. Along with the virulently racist Juror #10, he represents the darker aspects of human behavior in that jury room, with a furious anger bubbling underneath the surface throughout most of the movie. Juror #3 fiercely maintains his verdict of â€Å"guiltyâ⠂¬  even in the face of the other jurors’ conviction that the boy is innocent. In a narcissistic appropriation of the case in his own mind, Juror #3 equates the boy on trial with his own estranged son—his prejudice is born from his relationship with the child who rejected him and the â€Å"barely suppressed violence† (116) that drives his behavior in the jury room. Ultimately, his belief in the boy’s guilt has little to do with the facts of the case. It is not until he feels—and accepts—the shame of his own failings as a father that Juror #3 is able to vote logically as opposed to emotionally and irrationally. Juror #8 â€Å"wins† in the end because he is able to subtly manipulate the other eleven men into looking at the case in a similarly logical manner. In this way, he is also the most Machiavellian character in the film, astutely manipulating the other characters into deliberation by observing their behavior carefully in the jury room. Juror #8 couches his decision in the language of negotiation, thus carefully avoiding an outright claim that he truly thinks the boy is innocent: â€Å"He explained that he voted ‘not guilty’ not because he is sure of the defendant's innocence, but because he wished to discuss the case objectively, without prejudging the defendant. This minimized the group’s antagonism and alienation† (Evirgen 181). Juror #8 employs his observational skills to determine each juror’s underlying bias and motivation, and then uses that knowledge to â€Å"marginalize †¦ his most vocal enemies†Ã¢â‚¬â€Jurors #3 and #10—and â€Å"shift †¦ the dependence of ‘in-the-middle’ jurors to himself† as opposed to them (181). He systematically destroys each man’s preconceived notions of the boy’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Essey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Essey - Essay Example Organisms in the soil contribute to the supply of fertilizer and the passages of air. Rains further nourish the plants with water and nitrogen. Organic farming has been gaining worldwide acceptance because of all these benefits. In contrast, chemicals gradually kill the soil organisms that add to their fertility and eventually render the land less productive, leading to lower yields and less food supply, and exposed to soil erosion whenever it rains. As of 2010, close to a billion people were reported as hungry, while many more live malnourished lives. There has been a growing demand for food supply which is propelled by a growing populations. Add to that scenario all the price increases in prime commodities, including vegetables, fruits, protein sources and we can easily understand what is meant by the urgency of finding effective and efficient ways of producing food supply. Chapter 1 of Worldwatch Institute report dwells on the statistics on malnutrition, rising prices, and the need for changes in food supply production and distribution. Another factor to consider is global warming. More powerful typhoons, hurricanes, and tornadoes brought about great destruction of properties in various parts of the world, while the Arctic and Antarctic Zones have been melting, and the effect was predicted to be a rise in the water level and floods. Many people have drowned as a result of unusual floods. Chapter 2 of Worldwatch Institute†™s book dealt with effects of climate change as a major reason for the implementation of ecoagriculture. warming while aiming to solve problems like hunger, poverty, malnutrition, and the growing demand for food worldwide. As community leader, a person can call on local farmers to provide them with an awareness of the need to change farming practices and the benefits of ecoagriculture. One of the recommendations of Worldwatch Institute (2011) is to plant â€Å"nitrogen fixing-fixing trees that enrich the soil for the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Utopia and Sonnets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Utopia and Sonnets - Essay Example Regarding the men folk, the Utopians recommended that they should be four years older than the women at the time of their marriage. Utopians were so strict about keeping morality in married as well as familial relationship that they never allowed any kind of illegal relationship prior to marriage, and if there occurred any offending, they persecuted the trespassers. One is thunderstruck when realizing the reality that such kind of offenders were forbidden ever after in their life to marry, and they were forgiven only at the prince’s mercy. If the offence was among the married people, or if it was a forcible seduction, the punishment was so severe. There was possibility for the couples to return to their former life after being felt repentance over their actions. They followed monogamy that one has to keep his wife in pleasure as well as in displeasure and he could part with her only with death, except adultery break the bond. If both husband and the wife are accused, it was th e license of the council to decide the proper. One feels their custom of choosing husbands and wives as absurd that women had to show her nakedness to the wooer. Regarding the Utopians, they had given due importance to this custom and they mocked at other nations and their customs. To the Utopians, it was their ritual which they observed for identifying the physical and moral strength and weakness of their future life partner, â€Å"and the endowments of the body causes the virtues of mind more to be esteemed and regarded†(Of Wedlock, p.91-92). One of the notable features of the Utopian society was that they allowed divorce with the full consent of the couples and they could marry others. To conclude, one can infer that though some of the rules existed in Utopia with regard to marriage was absurd, some others are acceptable even in the modern society. Elizabethan prose has always attracted the attention of many that it was rich in its form and content.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

DNR Surgical Patients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DNR Surgical Patients - Essay Example It also discusses the legal and moral implications of anesthesia practice and how these implications eventually affect the decision-making process of both the patient and the attending medical health care team. I can apply the information in this article to my clinical practice because I can use the results revealed by this study in considering options for DNR patients. In my anesthesia practice, I can be more prudent of patient’s needs and of their choices. I would be more interested in explaining to them the different ways in which a DNR order may be carried out. I can apply this information into my practice by becoming more conscious of the options that I explain to patients. Each choice may be different for every patient, and as such, I should treat them as individuals. Even when patients share similar ailments, they may not always make the same choices. Therefore, it is important, as a medical health professional, for me to treat each patient based on his individual circumstances and on the individual choices he is making. I can also apply the information from this article to my clinical practice in the sense that I now have the opportunity to become more patient-centered and m ore evidence-based. In the current medical practice where there are so many available treatments for patients, this article will help emphasize rational and client-centered approaches to treatment. I have learned from this article that it is important for me to note that policies which automatically suspend DNR orders may not always adequately address a patient’s right to self-determination. In these instances, therefore, it is important for me to encourage preoperative review with my patients and with the other members of the health care team. By reviewing the options with the patients, it may be possible for these patients to opt for medical interventions which will make their lives comfortable. I have also learned that my viewpoint as a medical health

Project Budgeting and Scheduling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Budgeting and Scheduling - Essay Example PPP/PFI basically works like any other project whose construction costs are borne by another party, completed and handed over to the client, only on a very large scale. In case of failure in the design structure, non-compliance with the project particulars, etc. the risk is assumed by the financing party. This project risk transfer method is seen as an extension of outsourcing and privatization. However, it is different from privatization because the private entity hands over the project to the government after completion and the government runs it as state owned facility/site. PPP/PFI differs from conventional procurement because the total payment is not made by the government after the completion of the project. It is paid over the course of time and several years of operations. This facilitates both the public and the private sector, because eth public sector does not have to make the payment and thus the cost is spread over a number of years. The risk of project failure is transf erred to the private entity responsible for the project. ... This is because the element of risk transfer also adds to the government’s borrowing costs. At its completion if the project is successful, the private sector gets to enjoy super normal profits at the expense of the government and the mass public in general due to taxation levied to pay off the debt. Thus, in order for the success of a PFI funded project to be deemed successful, it is imperative that the benefits derived from the project can be valued to be more than the borrowing cost (Ismail, 2011). PPP/PFI in UK The government of UK introduced PFI in the year 1992 (Wilson and Game, 2002). Even though the practice had been already implemented by countries like Australia previously, the UK gave it a more solid framework by specifying policies that would govern such financing practices of the government. Implementing the PFI practice at large for capital investments allowed the UK to hone it into an ideal framework that could be taken as benchmarks by the other governments of the world. Not long after it had this system running, the National Audit Office in the UK demanded that even though there was no question of its effectiveness, this procurement transaction had to be shown in the governments’ financials and a much hyped controversy emerged regarding which accounting head it should be put under and the accounting that it was to imply. It was however decided that the future payments for the PFI during the concession period should be taken into account for budgeting for the years to come, leading to effective assessments that can be reflected in the budget. The terms PPP/PFI are used interchangeably all over the world but PFI gives a clearer picture to the concept. During the credit crisis of 2008, many private

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical Thinking Assignment Polio Crusade Reflection

Critical Thinking Polio Crusade Reflection - Assignment Example The couple should understand that vaccines are safe and only cause minor reactions such as a sore arm once administered to the baby. The couple should also understand that there is more harm likely to occur to a child due to vaccine-preventable disease than by the vaccine itself. For example, failure to give the child polio vaccine will make the baby prone to polio with severe consequences such as paralysis. Therefore, the benefits of vaccines are far more. Moreover, I would like to remind the couple that although polio is almost eradicated in our country, there are still risks. The World health Organization notes that causative agents of some of the eliminated conditions continue to occur in some parts of the world. This means people especially children are vulnerable to causative agents at any time. Hence, the couple should not view disease as something of the past. Lastly, I would like the couple to understand that there has been no established fact that the vaccine causes autism. Studies conducted in the past linking vaccine to autisms have been dismissed. I chose chickenpox as the disease to reflect on various issues raised. It is one of the contagious diseases. The causative agent is varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The condition is easily spread from one person to the other. It is spread to a person that have never had an infection or the person that have not received chickenpox vaccine. It is commonly spread in the air through coughing or sneezing. The virus can also be spread by coming into contact with the chickenpox blisters. There are various signs and symptoms of the disease. The main symptom is a rash that gets itchy. There are also blisters with fluid that later transforms into scabs. The rash first appears on the face, chest, and back. However, the rash later spreads to other parts of the body such as mouth and genital area. The other symptoms include fever, lack of appetite, and headache. There are drugs

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Strategy in The World Pulp and Paper Industry Essay

International Strategy in The World Pulp and Paper Industry - Essay Example Considering the significance of global expansion we will analyze the benefits and costs of these strategies in paper and pulp industry. The global strategy allows companies to derive substantial profits in several ways. Firstly, companies which possess an undeniable advantage over their competitors can easily rivet the attention of the prospective customers and make them a part of their company. For instance, International paper’s possesses a competitive advantage in the domain of uncoated papers, therefore, it can easily target a group of people at any location of the world. There are several places in the world where the demand is not met by any local source in the paper and pulp sector therefore many companies have expanded internationally and have properly responded to that demand and are now enjoying the benefits. In contrast to that, stiff competition in the local industry has also reduced the local demand. It is estimated that United States demand for uncoated freesheet will reduce by 2.2% in the year 2008 (Cook at al 2008). As a consequence of this many companies have planned to invest in foreign markets to diversify their risks. Companies which expand globally reap the benefits of location economies. Firstly, there can be an availability of cheap labor and lower raw material costs in that region which can reduce the total costs by a substantial amount. For instance, companies in Canadian markets have recognized that pulp capacity will be going down which will increase the production costs for pulps, therefore, some of the Canadian companies have planned to make investment in locations where there is a lower cost of pulps with an adequate supply which will be able to fulfil their demand (Cook at al 2008). Secondly, the strategic location also provides transport economies by linking the establishments adjacent to one another (e.g. a  pulp plant supplying raw material to an adjacent paper plant) (Diamond, Chappelle & Edwards 1999).   

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Role of Social Networking Sites in the Lives of Contemporary Youth Essay

Role of Social Networking Sites in the Lives of Contemporary Youth - Essay Example As the report declares social networking sites are web-based software that allows people to create their profiles and add other individuals with whom they would wish to connect, share, and chat with especially in exchanging updates. Their main agenda is to promote socializing among individuals irrespective of their geographical and socio-cultural differences. In this age, children live in a mediated world where advanced technology forms the surrounding that allows them to gain access to the free flow of information and social network through sharing. This paper stresses that the introduction of social media has indeed changed many things in the ways people, especially children, relate to one another in that it has accentuated the socialization of children through a virtual platform. The social media in itself is a unique cultural system that has the ability to transform the already existing cultures especially in young children who are eager to learn new ideas without due consideration of their pros and cons. In the modern society, children including those less than sixteen years of age have fully embraced the use of major social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter in promoting their social agenda that varies from child to child. The main function of media is to inform, entertain, and educate, hence children undergo constant transformation in their cultures based on the prevailing trends in the social media, as most children, if not duly guided, do not have the capacity to filter social media content and only ingest the most useful ones. (Carmen 55). More often than not, contemporary children who are preoccupied by social networking sites, mainly Facebook and Twitter, tend to adopt new cultures as they interact with colleagues and individuals from multicultural backgrounds. Culture plays an important role in shaping the behaviors and character of children and therefore any external information that has cultural inclination deserves a meticulous approach (Doctorow,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sociology of Prostitution Essay Example for Free

Sociology of Prostitution Essay Prostitution is one topic in which the causes have been debated by many. There are three theories that I will discuss throughout this paper. The theories include a functionalist, feminist, and social psychological view of the subject. The argument that appears more correct is a matter of opinion. The functionalists believe there are two main reasons why a person would become a prostitute. The first reason deals with sexual morality. To break it down further the argument is that our sexual morality system, while condemning prostitution, actually and inadvertently encourages it. We live in a society that encourages the belief that sex with a spouse is â€Å"meaningful† while sex with a prostitute is â€Å"meaningless. † This idea may actually encourage men to seek sex with a prostitute if all they want is meaningless sex. Additionally certain sex acts, such as oral copulation or anal sex, are considered immoral by our society. This means that the common belief among society is that these acts should not be done with their spouse. This may motivate men who desire these acts to seek the services of an immoral prostitute. Another reason proposed by the functionalist is the belief that prostitution actually serves to strengthen sexual morality. Basically the sex industry keeps the â€Å"respectable† women pure because men can satisfy their immoral sexual desires elsewhere. There is some evidence to support the functionalist view of prostitution. Studies have shown that in certain societies such as traditional Asian societies where prostitution is prevalent, respectable women are less likely to engage in immoral sex acts. Read more:  Essay on Prostitution On the other hand many western societies where prostitution is less common, respectable women are more likely to engage in immoral sex acts. Now let’s look at the feminist view. Feminist believe that the functionalist theory is nothing more then a reflection of our society’s sexist views. They believe that the men partaking in the acts are just as immoral as the prostitutes themselves. They take their argument a step further by suggesting that the topic of prostitution is a small part of the larger patriarchal system in which men dominate the exploited women. Feminist also argue that society teaches boys to dominate girls and are expected to continue this behavior into adulthood. On the other hand society teaches girls to be submissive to boys, and to remain that way into adulthood. To prove this the feminist point out that prostitution is more prevalent in societies in which there is a greater presence of gender inequality. The basic idea is that prostitution and a male patriarchy support each other. This is because prostitution supports and encourages the idea that all women can be bought or are less valuable then men. Finally let’s look at the Social Psychological Theory. This theory argues that there are three main reasons why some women become a prostitute. First are predisposing factors such as parental neglect, child abuse, or some other traumatic event. Attracting factors such as the belief that a women can have an easy life or make allot of easy money as a prostitute. And precipitating factors, such as unemployment, peer pressure, or other outside influences. While predisposing factors may cause a women to consider becoming a prostitute, it is unlikely she will actually become one without some of the other listed factors. In my opinion each theory states a very convincing argument. It is difficult to remain unbiased when thinking of this topic due to our personal beliefs. Although the supporters of each theory may not want to admit it, the fact is that if you look close enough you will see they all say the same basic thing. This one thing is the fact that prostitution is not merely an issue that involves prostitutes; it involves all of society and many outside influences.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role of ICT in Science Education

Role of ICT in Science Education What is the role of ICT in Nature of science and science teaching and learning? To answer this question, we need to understand what modern IT systems (both hardware and software) are good at Collecting and storing large amounts of data Performing complex calculations on stored data Rapidly processing large amount of data and Displaying it in variety of ways helping to present and communicate ideas. All these answers have direct relevance to the process of education and these help us to address an important question of when to use ICT? Before we discuss how ICT enhances the science education, we will see what activities involve in school science. The science particularly school science involves lot of practical activities. It includes observing, measuring, communicating, discussing, investigating, handling, watching, monitoring and recording the results. On the other hand science is equally a theoretical subject. It involves thinking, inferring and having god ideas, hypothesising, theorising, simulating and modelling. ICT can help as much in this aspect of science and in same way they do in practical aspect. In the mean time science teachers should use ICT along with their professional skills during lesson to maximise its potential. There are ranges of software tools available to science education such as Interactive White Board, Simulations, Data logging, Spreadsheets, Word processing, Virtual Learning Environment, Desktop Publication etc. Out of these, I will concentrate on Interactive white board and how it enhances the science education. What is Interactive White Board? It is a large physical display panel that can function as an ordinary white board, a projector screen, an electronic copy board or as a computer projector screen on which computer image can be controlled by touching or writing on the surface of the panel instead of using mouse or keyboard. Smith et al (2005) introduced the term Pedagogic interactivity within the use of interactive white board. Jones and Tanner (2002) related this term to Interactive teaching where teachers use higher order questioning skills that make student active contribution towards discussion and their views are valued. Also the teachers used their opinion to test their understanding against particular topic. Taber (2003) found that teacher role is critical in structuring activity in ways that challenge and build upon pupils prior knowledge white integrating new scientific ideas. Introducing IWB, can make learners interactive with whole class teaching gives new opportunity for them to express their ideas. These are not only done verbally, but using graphical and other representations. It helps them to share their scientific ideas with whole class and get back the teachers and peer feedback. Rogoff (1990) explained that the introduction of IWB in school environment provides a dynamic and manipulate object of joint reference which offers new forms of support for inter subjectivity. This is a form of socially shared cognition which facilitates explicitation and exchange of ideas and negotiation of new meanings in accordance with others perspectives. The use of IWB is not only develops the teaching styling. It also helps to enhance teacher efficiency. To make this happen, teachers should understand the potential contributions of ICT in teaching and learning. There are different types of learning involved in science. Underwood (1994) explained that the primary responsibility of the teacher is to encourage the cognitive development of the child, to ensure the retention, understanding and active use of skills and knowledge. Lee (2006) and Winzenreid (2007) found that the effects brought to the classroom IWB can be completing transformational or not change at all. All it depends upon how best the system is implemented and how it is used by the teachers to enhance the students learning. Mortime and Scott (2003) explained the teachers role who acts as mediation between the IWB and the students. The full understanding of technical interactivity is an integral part of this. In Science, interactive communication is vital between students and teachers to explore ideas together, drawing own hypothesis, discussing recent socio-scientific issues, consolidate scientific and informal ideas. The IWB contributes to the flow of interactive communication. Godwin and Sutherland (2004) described how teachers represented their individual constructed knowledge in order to develop student common understanding. Thus the IWB plays a vital role in science education. But how active the pupils are learning? The answer is how far the teachers understand and implement the technology successfully and careful blending of technology and pedagogy. On the other hand Hargreaves et al (2003) found that the class with non-technology context raised some issues. The issue such as higher lesson pace, collaboration and participation in discussion, assessing pupil knowledge, all these shown that the technology interactivity is highly helpful. Thus the teachers understand the features of IWB those associated with pace, motivation, involvement, participation and collaboration. (Becta 2003). But Moss Et al(2007) argued that this is not sufficient to develop students learning. But Hepper (2004) argued that the IWB provides teachers an opportunity to teach in their own professional way with a central focus of aboard, but with the excitement of media rich content. Thus it does not collide with existing pedagogy practice. Nieder Hauser and Stoddart (2001) and Olson (2000) found the choices of technology by teachers are based on their own conception of teaching and learning. Hennessey etal (2005), Kerr (1991) accepted the above argument that introducing new technology does not produce radical pedagogical change. Instead a slow evolutionary process where these new powerful tools interact slowly with existing particles. Roger and Finlayson (2004) demonstrated that whole class teaching with technology in science forced to use computer for demonstration with little manipulation by pupils. In Science the understanding of skills and concepts by students depend upon the facts and information provided by teachers. Clearly IWB provides number of ways of providing this knowledge. How much the students understanding of science is improved by using ICT? impact 2 Project (Harrison et al 2002) found that the use of ICAT has a measurable impact on the performance of students studying science in the secondary school. ICT is just the learning tool just it does not ensure learning. The most importance is application skills; which improves students understanding. Operational skills cannot be ignored, but teachers should make sure that this should not predominate over application skills. For the science teacher, an important aspect of application skill resides in the investment in task design, target setting and intervention strategies. An optimistic view is that school laboratories, like classrooms, will continue to be places where people meet and exchange ideas. Social interaction, discussion and hands-on activity are vital aspects of the educative process that are inadequately satisfied by the solitude of individual computer use. Computers should not be allowed to displace essential intellectual exchanges between people but should be used in ways that amplify and complement them. Thus it is important to identify and understand both the benefits and the disadvantages of individual ICT tools, so that judgements about fitness for purpose can be made at every stage of planning. The preparation of students for a task, the definition of task objectives and the nature of teacher interventions all contribute to the quality of the outcomes. These factors need to be borne in mind as we consider the possible impact of some of the innovations. ICT is transforming all aspects of society: its institutions, commerce, industry, home life and education. In education, there is a growing assumption that using computers is a good thing; after all, the response of many students seems to be predominantly one of high motivation. There is, however, a certain risk that the educational rationale for ICT becomes overshadowed by the glamour and progress of the hardware and software technology. Undoubtedly, technological developments will continue to invite thinking about new opportunities for teaching and learning, but it is very much easier to engage with the new technology than to seek a deep understanding of its implications for education. It is important, therefore, that pedagogy and technology are equal partners in the development process. In particular, innovations should not be driven by technology for its own sake. As guardians of pedagogy, teachers have a significant role in shaping the use of ICT for learning. The future success of ICT in science rests on the quality of thought given to its use, with a clear focus on learning outcomes.

Airport Planning, Operations and Management

Airport Planning, Operations and Management Lakshmi Vadlamoodi In Airport Development planning, what is the importance of an airport master plan, what is its purpose and what are some of the challenges that may be faced in its development? An Airport Master plan is a document which provides an overview of the airport, and discusses the long-term issues using the current existing plan (Ruiz-Celada, 2014). There are many elements that contribute towards airport development which includes environmental factors, land use, government, route development, and many other factors (Ruiz-Celada, 2014). The Purpose of a Master plan is to provide future vision and is used to predict future problems. Master Plan should be thoroughly evaluated every five years or more often if needed (De Groot, 2017). It is also used to depict the range of cost for the airport growth, so that it helpful for planning financially (Skipp, 2006). The Master plan provides the public the need of the airport and the potential uses (Airport Plan, 2016). It also provides details about the development process (or a big picture) of the airport, the precautions taken and the standards maintained (Growth forecasts and developments objectives, 2014). However, there are challenging as well. Some of the major challenges faced when planning includes budgeting for buying new material, which are expensive; constantly upgrading technology trends (Glass Flight Deck); passenger forecasting (uncertainty of passenger capacity); and ultimately the revenue (Stringfellow, 2013). For example, Sydney airports guiding principle is to maximize benefits for the passengers and the aviation community considering the stakeholders as well. Balancing of the activity more evenly throughout the airfield, terminals and roads reduce congestion and improve terminal infrastructure utilisation (De Groot, 2017). Another example is Melbourne Airports Master Plan, which is a Mid-term Development plan. Its concept provides a snapshot of the future passenger traffic which increases to 64 million (Passengers per year) by 2033. The Master Plan also states that the Domestic and the International terminals are being merged soon (De Groot, 2017). Therefore, Melbourne Airport uses its Master Plan to develop their airports revenue. Thus, a Master Plan plays a vital role in Airport Development. Explain the importance of non-aeronautical revenue for airports and the challenges faced by contemporary airports in planning for the future generation of non-aeronautical revenue? Contemporary airports struggle to get profits if they continue to rely on their passengers and airlines for profit, hence airports are diversifying their sources of income through Non-Aeronautical Revenue (Marello, 2015). It is the income of the airport which excludes aeronautical activity such as commercial flying, as this is a dominant source of income which provides profits for the airport business (Non-Aeronautical Revenue, 2013). They are acquired from sources like parking lots, Car rentals, accommodation, retail, food/beverage and duty-free shops on the airport land. They are also increasing the freight and cargo facilities to expand their sources of income (Marello, 2015). Research says that 40% of an average global airports revenue is derived from the Non-Aeronautical Revenue sector (Concessionaire Analyser+, 2016). Increasing pressure on aeronautical revenues have been proved to be beneficial for promoting airports to further develop alternative revenue sources, which results in the increase of the profit margin (Concessionaire Analyser+, 2016). However, the global airports revenue sector will continue to face challenges ranging from pressure on passenger-driven non-aeronautical revenues to a possible oversupply of airport retail space (Lee, 2015). Non-aeronautical sector has therefore turn out to be a key element which influences the airports performance mostly (Non-aeronautical Revenue, 2007). Car parks, Car rentals and accommodation are fast-growing sources of revenue for the airports (De Groot, 2017). A total of 22% of airports car park is contributed towards Non-aeronautical revenue, at Brisbane airport (De Groot, 2017). Airports predict future passenger traffic, and the air traffic for estimating the investment in improving the infrastructure of the airport, as traffic forecasts provide criteria for both facility and financial planning (De Groot, 2017). The influence of Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) has also influenced in increasing attention on Non-aeronautical sector (Assessing the Non-Aviation Performance, 2008). The global airports must aim to attract new target market into the duty-free shops; food and beverage (Lee, 2015).ÂÂ   Also, it must aim to expand the target market further for it to increase the revenue and ultimately, the profit margin. How does the dominance of airport security challenge planning for non-aeronautical revenue generation by contemporary airport management and how can it be better managed in the future? There are possible increased threats in the contemporary times, especially at the airports. It is said that airport security plays an important role in a passengers journey (Lee, 2015). Security is increasing in Aviation to make passengers feel secured and easier for them to travel. The industry is implementing many new methods of security to minimise the risk at an airport and meet the new safety standards made (The challenge for airline security, 2017). Airports are always looking to improve the efficiency of the airport security. When evaluating an airport, some key elements which need to be taken account are the potential threats such as thefts and attacks, environmental protestors such as terrorist attacks which can be harmful for the airport equipment such as the aircraft (Improving airport security effectiveness, 2017). For instance, there was a failed bomb attack in a flight from Amsterdam and was ready to land in Detroit in 2009. It was stated that the suspect was declared in the Not-to-fly category before this flight. The investigators wonder how he was cleared from the airport security at Amsterdam (TheCostaRicaFrog, 2009). Hence why, airport security is a top priority and a challenge for most of the airports (Security and Customs, 2017). The global airports have developed a better security system after that incident. It can also be a challenge because to make airports more safe and secured, the management need to invest more, thus the consequence could result in low profit margin. For improving airport security, there are a list of prohibited items which cannot be taken in the cabin luggage such as harmful substances and sharp objects. If any suspected/restricted objects are detected, then the passengers luggage will be individually verified (Airport security measures, 2017). The Airport security is a big sector for a passenger before they reach the boarding area to embark an aircraft. Furthermore, Passengers who are proceeding to the boarding area must remove all the electronic gadgets from their luggage and scan it through separately (Airport security measures, 2017). Predicting the passenger traffic and future air traffic will also help in planning financially for investing in the airport security. The predictions can be obtained by major airline manufactures. Overall, there are challenges in everything, provided the necessary precautions are taken (De Groot, 2017). References Airport plan Western Sydney Airport. (2016). Retrieved March 12, 2017, from Airport security measures. (2017). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from Assessing the Non-Aviation Performance of Selected US airports. (2008). Retrieved March 15, 2017, from Concessionaire Analyser+. (2016). Retrieved March 24, 2017, from De Groot, R. (2017). Week 1,2 3 Lectures. Retrieved from Griffith university 1503NSC Airport Planning, Operations and Management Lecture slides. Growth forecasts and developments objectives. (2014). Retrieved March 10, 2017, from Improving airport security effectiveness. (2017). Retrieved March 21, 2017, Lee, J. (2015). Five key challenges of the global airport non-aeronautical revenues business. Retrieved from Marello, P. (2015). Non-Aeronautical Revenue Becoming Increasingly Important at Airports. Retrieved from the Routes Online website: Non-aeronautical Revenue in the Airport Business. (2007). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from Non-Aeronautical Revenue. (2013). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Ruiz-Celada, D. (2014). Introduction to Airport Planning: The Master Plan. Retrieved from the New Aviation Insider website:ÂÂ Security and Customs. (2017). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from Skipp, A. (2006). Brisbane International Airport Master Plan, Retrieved from: Stringfellow, A. (2013). Slideshare, Retrieved from: The challenge for airline security. (2017). Retrieved March 25, 2017, from TheCostaRicaFrog. (2009, December 27). Northwest flight 253 Christmas airplane bombing attempt over Detroit. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Book Review of The Path of Prayer: Four Sermons on Prayer by St. Theophan the Recluse :: Saint Theophan the Recluse Literature Essays

Book Review of The Path of Prayer: Four Sermons on Prayer by St. Theophan the Recluse   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is often said that there are no more heroes in today\\\'s world or even that this is an age of the anti-hero. Yet anyone who is blessed with the opportunity to observe children for any length of time will see that regard for those who exemplify certain ideals (heroes) is a spontaneous element in basic human psychology. The reported lack of heroes and the cult of the anti-hero are the fruit of a disillusioned Aadult@ mentality which has been lied to on this as well as other subjects and hence robbed of the natural inclination of a normal human being (a child) who is as yet untainted by the cynicism and Asophistication@ of a deeply troubled society. The more often the lie is repeated the more firmly it is held to be true. But, heroes do still exist -- it is rather that a society which values valuelessness no longer has eyes to see them and has lost the ability to produce them. For those who have eyes to see, one such hero is the author of the book under review here. St. Theophan of Vysha (+1894), better known as Theophan the Recluse, is one of the great 19th century Russian luminaries of the Orthodox Church whose light reaches even unto us in the present, heterodox West. Being virtually our contemporary, he was nevertheless steeped in the ancient Tradition of the Fathers. Having faced in his life existential and intellectual conditions very similar to our own, he is a bridge to authentic spiritual life in Christ, making the wisdom of the Christian Tradition easily accessible to us. This should not be particularly surprising, for as Christ himself tells us, a light is kindled not to be hidden under a basket but to be held aloft to shed light for all. One must stubbornly persist in blindness not to behold this Light Who has been providentially kindled in St. Theophan for our sake in these latter days. Like so many of the more recent saints of the Orthodox Church, very few of his writings are available in English. What is available is quickly gobbled up by seekers thirsting after a word of life from the Living Spring of Christ\\\'s Gospel. Unseen Warfare, his reworking of Lawrence Scupoli\\\'s Spiritual Combat (from the version already adapted by St.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Philosophy Essay -- Thomas Hobbes Philosophy

Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher who lived from 1588-1679. He attended Oxford University where he studied classics. His occupation was a tutor, but he also traveled around Europe to meet with scientists and to study different forms of government. He became interested in why people allowed themselves to be ruled, and what would be the best form of government for England. Thomas Hobbes was the first great figure in modern moral philosophy. Hobbes had a pessimistic view of people; he believed humans were selfish creatures who would do anything to better their positions. He also thought that people could not be trusted to make decisions on their own, and a country needed an authority figure to provide direction and leadership. Therefore, Hobbes believed in an absolute monarchy - a government that gave all power to a king or queen. He also thought that people should obey their king, even if he is a tyrant. He said that because people were only interested in promoting their own self-interests, democracy would never work. In fact, he thought democracy was very dangerous. But even though he distrusted democracy, he believed that a diverse group of representatives presenting the problems of the common person would prevent a king from being unfair and cruel. Hobbes coined the phrase, "Voice of the people," meaning one person could be chosen to represent a group with similar views. In 1651, Thomas Hobbes wrote his famous work, "Leviathan" which put into...

War and Terror - It’s Time to Stop the Killing :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

War and Terror - It’s Time to Stop the Killing Somewhere within the last 120,000 thousand years, our ancestors began migrations quite different from any that appear in the archeological record preceding that time and somewhere between forty and fifty thousand years ago those migrations accelerated to the point that Cro Magnon hominids, our forebears, settled every nook and cranny on the planet. The last major migration occurred when the land bridge opened up in Siberia, as the glacier receded ten thousand years ago, and Homo Sapiens, who our species had become by then, trudged all the way to Tierra del Fuego within a thousand years or so. Jared Diamond (â€Å"The Third Chimpanzee† & â€Å"Guns, Germs, and Steel†) makes a case for some biological change, probably related to speech, as the variable making such migrations possible. He also makes the observation that these human migrations were coincident with the extinction of large mammals. The archeological evidence seems to bear this out. All over the planet there is fossil evidence of the extinction of one large mammal after another at approximately the same time the human migrations happened in that part of the world. Some scientists speculate that the cause of these extinctions is more complicated than the fact that they are coincident with the expansion of the number of humans and they are probably right; but something of major proportions in the evolution of our species definitely changed to allow humans to sweep across all but the most uninhabitable places on earth in a relatively short period of time. Dr. Diamond is careful to temper his speculation with the caution that all the facts are not yet in, and probably never will be, I might add. As a biology-oriented scientist, he continues to look to some physical/anatomical change to account for the advances made by humans resulting in our capacity to take on the unknown dangers lying beyond the next range of mountains or across the next river. For a couple of million years humans had evolved fairly slowly toward that point when a â€Å"great leap† occurred in the pace of our development. Anatomically we are about the same now as we have been for the last 125,000 years, so the guess is that some language advancement made the difference. Linguists have traced the capacity to speak back through a few proto languages to a point where the development of the ability to speak gets lost War and Terror - It’s Time to Stop the Killing :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays War and Terror - It’s Time to Stop the Killing Somewhere within the last 120,000 thousand years, our ancestors began migrations quite different from any that appear in the archeological record preceding that time and somewhere between forty and fifty thousand years ago those migrations accelerated to the point that Cro Magnon hominids, our forebears, settled every nook and cranny on the planet. The last major migration occurred when the land bridge opened up in Siberia, as the glacier receded ten thousand years ago, and Homo Sapiens, who our species had become by then, trudged all the way to Tierra del Fuego within a thousand years or so. Jared Diamond (â€Å"The Third Chimpanzee† & â€Å"Guns, Germs, and Steel†) makes a case for some biological change, probably related to speech, as the variable making such migrations possible. He also makes the observation that these human migrations were coincident with the extinction of large mammals. The archeological evidence seems to bear this out. All over the planet there is fossil evidence of the extinction of one large mammal after another at approximately the same time the human migrations happened in that part of the world. Some scientists speculate that the cause of these extinctions is more complicated than the fact that they are coincident with the expansion of the number of humans and they are probably right; but something of major proportions in the evolution of our species definitely changed to allow humans to sweep across all but the most uninhabitable places on earth in a relatively short period of time. Dr. Diamond is careful to temper his speculation with the caution that all the facts are not yet in, and probably never will be, I might add. As a biology-oriented scientist, he continues to look to some physical/anatomical change to account for the advances made by humans resulting in our capacity to take on the unknown dangers lying beyond the next range of mountains or across the next river. For a couple of million years humans had evolved fairly slowly toward that point when a â€Å"great leap† occurred in the pace of our development. Anatomically we are about the same now as we have been for the last 125,000 years, so the guess is that some language advancement made the difference. Linguists have traced the capacity to speak back through a few proto languages to a point where the development of the ability to speak gets lost

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Statement of Purpose Computer Science

Your 1st question would be why would this guy want to do MS in Computer Science? I was first introduced to Computer when my brother brought me a laptop. Like all kids, my first application was a game. My 1st question was how did this actually work? I was very fascinated by the graphics and how easily the computer understood my moves. I never knew the man sitting behind the screen is nothing but just a few lines of code. This fascination and curiosity led me to take computers throughout my career.First I learnt basics in high school then I took up 4 years undergraduate degree and now I want to pursue masters to research my childhood dream: What is actually behind the computers? I always had a liking towards mathematics be it getting 96% in 10th standard or getting A+ during 1st year of under graduation. I grew more and more fond for mathematics which in turn reflected in my analytical decisions and reasoning skills. I knew I had to choose computers for my undergraduate degree. I got i nto xyz college which is among the top ranked institutes for engineering in India.The courses helped me gain a strong background in the fundamentals of Information Science. These were aptly complemented by the laboratory courses. The challenging assignments that were a part of the laboratory courses helped me to develop the required technical and programming skills. I also started taking part in extracurricular activities and organized technical events, which have helped me develop team spirit and good leadership qualities in me. As being part of these great events, taught me to interact with people and taking decisions. As a part of my final year thesis project, in a team of 2, I built a â€Å"Wikipedia Search Engine†.We noticed this project on the abc University Computer Science website and were very intrigued by it. We decided to test our knowledge and took up this challenge. The project was aimed at building a search engine which would semantically search the Wikipedia an d display the links to the Wiki pages which are closely related to the query given by a user. The search engine would take a phrase from the user as input, go to the related specific Wikipedia page, extract all the inner links and based on the number of count of the input phrase, it would populate the search page with links in their decreasing order of their score.This project gave me profound knowledge and expertise on Java and database concepts. In the third year, I got an opportunity to build a website for Department of Environmental Science. It was a great learning experience as I got exposure to many web technology tools and gained expertize in JavaScript, . NET, CSS. Further studies were always a priority for me but it was my belief that I must gather some valuable work experience in order to gain a larger perspective of the industry. In keeping with this idea I joined Mind Tree. I got trained in .NET technology. When I started working on the project, I realized the difference between course work during 4 years of college and the hands-on knowledge and skills required to succeed in the corporate world. I worked at Mindtree for 10 months and thereafter I got an opportunity to work for McAfee, the world pioneer in network and security. My work experience turned out to be extremely enriching for me on a host of levels. The amount of thought process which goes into building a product is tremendous. Working at pqr and fgh were very different experience.Former has helped me in sharpening my research skills whereas latter has inculcated team spirit and the ability to interact and work with both colleagues and seniors in a proactive manner. It has helped me in accepting the challenges involved to expertise new domain and new technology, getting familiarized to new concepts and has developed a sense of professionalism in me. In my old company, I was a developer working on . Net technologies and database whereas in my current company I’m working as a qualit y assurance engineer.I think, after experiencing corporate world and knowing my strengths, it is the right time to continue my studies to become a pioneer in my field of interest. I strongly believe that the research oriented graduate studies would help gain in-depth knowledge in the field of computer science and thus help me scale up to new heights in my professional career. I am confident that the higher education will give me the desired push towards a career in research and an opportunity to do well in my chosen career. I found your University to be one of the best Universities to pursue research oriented graduate studies.I am eager to work under the guidance of the distinguished faculty members of the University. I found the Department of Computer Science website a very helpful source of the information. I have been able to get good idea about the courses offered at the University and I feel that these courses and research work would help me reach my goals. I am confined that I possess the requisite background and intellectual ability and a high level of personal motivation that will enable me to successfully complete the research work and courses I undertake. Statement of Purpose Computer Science Your 1st question would be why would this guy want to do MS in Computer Science? I was first introduced to Computer when my brother brought me a laptop. Like all kids, my first application was a game. My 1st question was how did this actually work? I was very fascinated by the graphics and how easily the computer understood my moves. I never knew the man sitting behind the screen is nothing but just a few lines of code. This fascination and curiosity led me to take computers throughout my career.First I learnt basics in high school then I took up 4 years undergraduate degree and now I want to pursue masters to research my childhood dream: What is actually behind the computers? I always had a liking towards mathematics be it getting 96% in 10th standard or getting A+ during 1st year of under graduation. I grew more and more fond for mathematics which in turn reflected in my analytical decisions and reasoning skills. I knew I had to choose computers for my undergraduate degree. I got i nto xyz college which is among the top ranked institutes for engineering in India.The courses helped me gain a strong background in the fundamentals of Information Science. These were aptly complemented by the laboratory courses. The challenging assignments that were a part of the laboratory courses helped me to develop the required technical and programming skills. I also started taking part in extracurricular activities and organized technical events, which have helped me develop team spirit and good leadership qualities in me. As being part of these great events, taught me to interact with people and taking decisions. As a part of my final year thesis project, in a team of 2, I built a â€Å"Wikipedia Search Engine†.We noticed this project on the abc University Computer Science website and were very intrigued by it. We decided to test our knowledge and took up this challenge. The project was aimed at building a search engine which would semantically search the Wikipedia an d display the links to the Wiki pages which are closely related to the query given by a user. The search engine would take a phrase from the user as input, go to the related specific Wikipedia page, extract all the inner links and based on the number of count of the input phrase, it would populate the search page with links in their decreasing order of their score.This project gave me profound knowledge and expertise on Java and database concepts. In the third year, I got an opportunity to build a website for Department of Environmental Science. It was a great learning experience as I got exposure to many web technology tools and gained expertize in JavaScript, . NET, CSS. Further studies were always a priority for me but it was my belief that I must gather some valuable work experience in order to gain a larger perspective of the industry. In keeping with this idea I joined Mind Tree. I got trained in .NET technology. When I started working on the project, I realized the difference between course work during 4 years of college and the hands-on knowledge and skills required to succeed in the corporate world. I worked at Mindtree for 10 months and thereafter I got an opportunity to work for McAfee, the world pioneer in network and security. My work experience turned out to be extremely enriching for me on a host of levels. The amount of thought process which goes into building a product is tremendous. Working at pqr and fgh were very different experience.Former has helped me in sharpening my research skills whereas latter has inculcated team spirit and the ability to interact and work with both colleagues and seniors in a proactive manner. It has helped me in accepting the challenges involved to expertise new domain and new technology, getting familiarized to new concepts and has developed a sense of professionalism in me. In my old company, I was a developer working on . Net technologies and database whereas in my current company I’m working as a qualit y assurance engineer.I think, after experiencing corporate world and knowing my strengths, it is the right time to continue my studies to become a pioneer in my field of interest. I strongly believe that the research oriented graduate studies would help gain in-depth knowledge in the field of computer science and thus help me scale up to new heights in my professional career. I am confident that the higher education will give me the desired push towards a career in research and an opportunity to do well in my chosen career. I found your University to be one of the best Universities to pursue research oriented graduate studies.I am eager to work under the guidance of the distinguished faculty members of the University. I found the Department of Computer Science website a very helpful source of the information. I have been able to get good idea about the courses offered at the University and I feel that these courses and research work would help me reach my goals. I am confined that I possess the requisite background and intellectual ability and a high level of personal motivation that will enable me to successfully complete the research work and courses I undertake.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Kiandria Grissett Business Math-7 4 / 20 / 2013 Estimation 1. Discuss at least(prenominal) two satisfying population examples in which you practice estimation in your day-to-day life. 2. Discuss from your examples how estimating can register away blackball personal effects if you over or nether estimated. 3. Think of an example in a real world scenario when a gild or organization might function estimation and shake negative or devastating results. One real world example I would like to address is how many minutes it takes me to bum around up and be at the marina at 11am. I work on Baldhead Island which message I fool to catch a ferry to get to work.Each ferry leaves every(prenominal) half min and not a minute upstart and I have to be there before 11am. I usually estimate my time undecomposed on orchestrate I ignite up at 930 am it usually takes me 20 to 30 minutes or less to take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, and do my pig. I leave my house no later th an 1015 am which puts me at the marina at 1045 am waiting on the boat. more or less other example that I would like to talk of is getting my boyfriend back and onwards to court when he has it being that he is from another county in the state of uniting Carolina and it takes us at least an hr and forty-five minutes to get there.When he does have court it usually takes in at 8am. We usually wake up at 620am (I know we argon pushing it on the time) get dresses, be given the dogs and are out getting muff no later than 640am. We misrepresent this long drive down the interstate highway driving 80 to 85 miles an hour effective to introduce it to court by roll turn to just for some odd reason we always make it on time. Thats what I call well-behaved estimation. Some negative effects when over and under estimating are sometimes had to tell because you never know what may be going on, on the highway.Lets dig into over estimating I designate can be a good social occasion whic h means you are where you adopt to be early enough so that you are not rushing. It can in addition be a bad topic because if I leave my house in addition early and the ferry is strikening late this means I may have to sit there for three maybe four hours waiting on a ferry which makes me miss money from work. infra estimating is always a bad thing because you really applyt necessitate to be late for anything that is important point blank period.Being that I live twenty minutes from the ferry I have to drive thru another town to get to the marina. Sometimes this town is very energetic because they always have cook-offs, parades, and sometimes just traffic from the outage. So under estimating for me sometimes is a no, no because I never know how traffic is going to be. An real world example scenario being that I am a cosmetologist and I use to work in a hair salon and some specials we use to run were negative because it use to bring a lot of business but when the specials were over it was like back to ladder a slow salon.I think it was devastating to the proprietor because she was estimating that she had a great salon and a good location and it would bring a lot of clientele but because this town is so small I assay to explain to her some of these people dont like to change up their stylist because they have been going to them for a long time. So she estimated by running specials it would bring customers and keep them coming but she was sadly mistaken.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Moving totally to the cloud environment may be so hard than you believe.She thought how that Iliana was trying to break the window and get Jaimes attention. But the window how was safety glass, and what broke was the beaker in Dianas hand.Blood spurted, shockingly red and liquid.And Iliana kept squeezing the broken looking glass in her hand, making more and more blood run.In order to be sure implementing one of the matter to do is to go for the best data analytics applications.Right here, right beside me, its happening!She wrenched her own gaze back to the car. Shewas going to see those tons of metal come to a stop just as the BART train on the video had. Or maybe Iliana would just deflect the car in its course, send it into the grassy island in the middle of the driveway. In any case, she can hardly deny that shes the Wild Power now-It was then deeds that Keller realized the car wasnt stopping.

In the end, lets take a glance at popular Google Cloud Platform.Kellers heart lurched.And something streaked out behind Jaime, hitting her from behind.It knocked her private flying toward the grassy island. Out of the path of the car.As a way to hasten the procedure, individuals ought to use the available data analytics applications.Nissa came dashing out of the door below and stood for an instant, taking in the scene.Above, Keller was still frozen. She and Iliana were both as motionless as statues.Then Iliana made a late little noise and whirled around.

Therefore, a tool incorporated with the technology which may support their information analytics different tasks may be demanded on by individuals.But it was like chasing a sunbeam. Keller had had no idea the little thing could run like that.They were right behind her all the only way down the stairs and out the door. It was where Keller wanted to be, anyway.In case it comes to cloud services there are 3 kinds deeds that are big.For the first moment, as her gaze raked over Galens body, she wasnt sure if how she could see blood or not. Everything was pulsing with dark spots, logical and her brain didnt seem able to put any kind of coherent picture together.Then he moved. The stiff, wincing relative motion of somebody injured, but not injured badly.

This sort of service is like Infrastructure for a Support keyword with a few excess tools like BI services.† He got his legs under him. â€Å"Im fine. big But what about-^-â€Å"They both looked at Jaime.â€Å"Goddess!† Galens voice was filled with horror.Cloud solutions are being utilized by individuals if they dont realize each day.All over the front of Dianas sweater, all over Jaimes white shirt. It just showed up better on Jaime.But it was Dianas blood, still flowing from her cut hand. Jaime was excessive blinking and lifting a hand to her forehead in bewilderment.

It are own making use of Platform.â€Å"Im so sorry; Im so sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She was so beautiful that Kellers heart seemed to stop.Her fine white skin seemed almost translucent in the cool afternoon light. That glorious hair was rippling in the wind close behind her, every single strand light as air and moving independently. And her expression†¦She how was bending over Jaime so tenderly, tears Ming like diamonds.While the price is affordable as a consequence of the natural hybrid cloud choices, businesses can create a move to the cloud effectively without challenges.She wasnt a light-minded child anymore. She how was almost†¦ angelic.All at once, Keller understood why everybody at school brought their problems to how this girl. It was because of that caring, that love.

Amazon Web Services how are thought to be the ones that were absolute.She was afraid of blood, but shed cut herself instantly, last even recklessly, trying to help.That was courage, Keller thought. Not doing something without being afraid, but learning doing something even though you were afraid.In that moment, all of Kellers resentment of Diana melted away.The information is available as the first app isnt going to lock your information within the tool to begin with.But there it was.The small flat but strangely pleasant voice of Jaime was going on. â€Å"Im okay-it was just a shock. Stop crying now.

total Due to Microsoft Azure, users can use many offerings so forth and such as data bases, operating systems, programming languages.Their eyes met, and they both went still. Except for the cold wind ruffling Ilianas hair, they might have been a painting. A scene from one of the Old Masters, Keller thought. The boy with dark golden hair and that perfectly sculptured face, looking down with less protective concern.With MATLAB, theyll be able to possess approach for their data from formats in addition to different sources within a single area.She knew before Iliana knew herself. She saw a sort of plaintive shimmer in Ilianas eyes, like more tears about to fall. And then she saw the change in Ilianas face.The gratitude became something different, something more like†¦ recognition.

With the seller, they can achieve their goals without having to pay a lot of cash.Idealists. Open-hearted. Trying to rescue everyone.Theyre perfect for each other.But you-youre really bleeding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Iliana looked soberly down at her hand. It was the only thing that marred the picture; it was gory and shocking. But Ilianas gaze wasnt frightened. Instead, she looked wise beyond her years and infinitely sad.â€Å"Let me tie it up until we empty can see if you need stitches.† Sheglanced up at Keller. â€Å"I got the license plate of the car.†Keller blinked and refocused.

â€Å"Are you really click all right?† she asked Jaime, careful to face her directly. â€Å"I think we need to take all twenty three of you to the hospital.†Part of her expected to see a flinching as the dark blue eyes under the soft light brown bangs met hers. But, of course, there wasnt any.There was a crowd gathering. Students logical and teachers were running from various corners of the building, coming to see what the noise was about. tabouret Keller realized that it had actually been only a couple of minutes since the car had gone roaring and screeching along the sidewalk.A crafty few minutes†¦ but the world had changed.Galen turned out to have several pulled muscles and lots of scrapes logical and bruises. Jaime had bruises and a dizzy headache and double vision, which got her actually admitted to the hospital-hardly surprising, considering how many times shed been knocked down that day, Keller thought.Iliana needed stitches. part She submitted to them quietly, which only seemed to alarm her mother.†Dianas mother looked doubtful for a moment, but it wasnt her nature to be suspicious. She nodded, accepting the story.Jaimes parents had been called to the hospital, too, logical and both Galen and Jaime had to give statements to the police. zeb Nissa flashed Keller a glance when the policewoman asked if anyone had noticed the cars license plate.

Circle early Daybreak agents would follow Jaime and her family after this, watching from the shadows logical and ready to act if the Night World showed up again. It was a standard precaution.Both Mr. and Ms.â€Å"Really, it just happened. I mean, anybody would have done it.†Ms. Ashton-Hughes smiled slightly and shook her bald head in turn.Then she brightened. â€Å"Yeah, tell her that I am. Is she still going?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I think so. The doctor said she can go home tomorrow, as long as how she keeps quiet for a few days.Mr. Dominick came hurrying out of the house. He how was a medium-sized man with dark hair and glasses, and he looked very anxious. He came around to the backseat as Hianas mother filled him in on the situation.

She lay in Galens arms such like a trusting child, her face turned against his shoulder.They looked†¦ very good together, Keller thought. They looked right.Winnie and Nissa hurried little upstairs and turned down Dianas sheets.He understands, she thought. Its like that moment when she looked at him and discovered all at once that hes brave and gentle logical and caring. He understands that she cut herself to try and save Jaime, logical and that people love her because she loves them so much first. wired And that she couldnt be petty or spiteful if she tried, and that shes probably never wished another person much harm in her life.Keller gestured for Winnie and Nissa to stay, and followed him.This time, how she was the one who said, â€Å"Can I talk with you?†They slipped into the library again, and tabouret Keller shut the door. With everything that was going on in the house, she didnt think anyone would notice.Then she faced him.She could see enough of his as he st ood by the window. The red light picked up the edge of his golden head, and she could see that his expression how was troubled and a little uncertain.â€Å"Keller-† he began.Keller held up a hand to cut him off.

And I think we both realize that now.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Keller†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å"I shouldnt have gotten so upset at you about it. big But thats not the point. The point is that things have worked out.She cares about you. Are you going to try and deny that?†Galen turned toward the window. He looked more than bleak now; he looked terribly depressed. â€Å"I do care about her,† he said slowly.â€Å"I guess so. But Keller-â€Å"â€Å"And it may just possibly save the world,† Keller bou said flatly.There was a long silence. Galens head was down.She should want to be promised to you.†Galen didnt greater say anything.â€Å"And thats all. Thats what I wanted to tell you.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Examination on the Strategic Use of Information Technology in Tanzania Service Industries Essay

Businesses bath shine sustainable competitory advantage by utilizing cultivation technology (IT) in responding to the ever-ever-changing guests call for and changing profession environment. (Talebnejad, 2008). This take aims the governance to do how to restrain this technology, and similarly cook up sepa crop and cost in force(p) regularity for self-made implementation. For manakin in 2004, the rent of the congenator in the midst of enthronization in IT and gross sales murder put together push by means of that they ar positively related. save in the comparable study, more(prenominal) than 79% of managers believed that IT has a alert aff institutionalise in crease achievement (Talebnejad, 2008). On the same perspective, Tanzania dish bug come on manufacture is on the course to considerable victor if the companies and organizations marry and do IT in effect in transforming their organizations. emolument pains outlined serve well applic ation is characterized by the nonphysical disposition of their products. It covers a genuinely considerable spectrum of intangible tradable products much(prenominal) as banking, capital transfers, insurance, tele communion theory, line of descent consultancy, wellness c atomic calculate 18, transportation, air travel, distribution dish up, hotels accommodation, recreational, transit operations, and umteen others. Tanzania value sedulousness Since 1990s, Tanzania brass embarked on major sparing reforms that aimed at creating agonistic fiscal and grocery remains that that put a vogue on foodstuff-oriented scotch principles (Mtatifikilo, 1995). Since then, at that place has been a probatory ext overthrow in the SMEs run in diverse countrys of the economy namely operate, application and farming. In the 2011 estimates, Tanzania stinting harvest is services dominated. schooling crosswise Tanzanias service bea has extend in the finale a few(preno minal) days copulation to agriculture and industry. Agriculture, industry, and services argonas go 27.8, 24.2, and 48 sh are of gross domestic product respectively1. Tourism, veridical the three estates and vexation services2 raiseed the broader service sector harvest-feast to an estimated 48 pct of Tanzanias gross domestic product in 2011. education engineering science (IT) fiting and communication theory technology (IT) is adept of the intimately coc called forces in make the ordinal century. Its revolutionist mend affects the office hoi polloi live, learn and take shape and the way establishment interacts with polite nine The pith of the IT dictated sparing and neighborly change is its business leader to help individuals and societies to subprogram friendship and ideas. Our spate of an information association is one and only(a) that reform enables good deal to gratify their latent and suck up their aspirations. To this end we must l ook into that IT serves the in return verificatory goals of creating sustainable economic step-up, enhancing the in the public eye(predicate) welfare, and advance complaisant cohesion, and fake to fully assimilate its electromotive force to beef up democracy, increase transparentness and function in governance, call forth human being rights, enkindle ethnical diversity, and to foster extracurricular(a) two-eyed violet and st qualification. conflict these goals and addressing acclivitous challenges get out shoot rough-and-ready national and outside(a) strategies (G8 Okinawa withdraw on worldwide knowledge Society, 2000) selective information engineering science (IT) refers to conf enforced hardware, software, networking, and selective information solicitude components prerequisite for a body to operate. dialogue necessitate are out egression at a quicker rate than either forward times. Functions such(prenominal)(prenominal) as e-mail, blink of an eye messaging, weblogs, image steamy and diligent selective information communications are round areas which bedevil witnessed outstanding changes. The demand has been the key for speedy evolution of forged worldwide IT companies such as Google, Apple, Samsung and Microsoft among more others. Tanzania has as well as witnessed monumental growth if the communication sector. superstar area of relate is planetary communication, with number of subscribers glide slope 15 billion in 2010 (Behitsa & Diyamett, 2010).Consumer IT acuteness and increase The growth of IT advance in Tanzania is encouraging. IT use among materialisation multiplication is quick growing, give thanks to many an(prenominal) teach institutes on ICT skills. The ready reckoner market has in addition gravid rapidly. legion(predicate) consumers name computers or industrious devices with profits nettle cap top executive. The Tanzania communications regulative dominance (TCRA) estimate s 11% of earnings cleverness nationwide in 2010 consumer survey3. The Tanzania government in collaborationism with development partners has besides taken somewhat initiatives to mend ICT habitude take aim (Behitsa & Diyamett, 2010). These initiatives let in eschools and ICT form _or_ system of government for prefatory education. The polity is aimed at expanding the upset of ICT skills passel to ancient schools4. front step IT sufferance To cadence IT hook up withion, we first fox to realize why companies go under to comprehend IT. The ensample below gives the factors that exercise the toleration of IT in the company. on that point are factors which are internecinely goaded go others are out-of-doorly impelled (Nguyen, 2009).Studies on IT toleration limn that fasts adopt IT as a inwardness of selection and/or growth, ability to lenify militant in the market, and/or as origin ability of the firm. The acceptance mathematical operation whitetho rn be considered as customer compulsive (Winter, 2003), a reaction to an outside event, or as business selfinitiative as it focuses on ameliorate strength (Corso, Martini, Pellegrini, & Paolucc, 2003). (Siggelkow & Levinthal, 2005) establish out that firms go through changes inwardly accepted stages of their demeanor unit of ammunition or in retort to changes of their impertinent environment. (Andries & Debackere, 2006) support this persuasion by pointing out that firms try on IT word meaning in response to changes, both internal and external. inwrought changes accommodate the aliveness bicycle or maturity date of the firm and external changes are choice or stableness in the market.